Donate to the Capital Campaign!

We are coming up on two years here at the New Prospect Theatre! As always, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for your support! Your generosity has made it possible for us to bring so many terrific shows and talented artists to the stage these past few years! It has been incredibly heartening to see so many companies wanting to perform and so many people coming out to see them!
This fall, we are embarking on our first official capital campaign! In our first two years we have been very focused on creating a space that would support the serve the performing arts community in getting their shows onstage, a stage with a floating floor and a top notch sound equipment and improved lighting capability. We have been able to do these things with the generous contributions of funds, skills, and equipment from members of our community and we are eternally grateful. We are also very proud and honored by the number of theatre and dance companies, musical artist, puppeteers, filmmakers, poets and visual artists that have used the space. There certainly seemed to be a need for a performance space for the community.
For this capitol campaign we are focusing on another need in our community. We’ve been inspired by the discussions of community partners and foundations outlining the importance of and calling for the creation of ‘third places’. The idea of third places has been around for a while, places that are not home, not work or school, but a place where people find connection and community. This increasingly digital, post-covid, time that we are living in has left many people feeling isolated and disconnected at the same time as many third places have disappeared. Many of those that remain cater to adults, center around alcohol, or are economically out of the reach of many that need community connection the most. We have always had the goal of creating a hub for the performing arts community to gather, collaborate and connect, in light of these calls for organizations to address this need we have felt an increased urgency.
Projected Costs
We are a 501c3 nonprofit and donations are tax deductible!
Plumbing, labor and materials. $3,500
Electrical upgrades. $2,500
Permits and applications, (electrical, plumbing, health, ) $1,000
Additional fixtures, water heater, coving and wall covering. $2,000
Stock, installation and project management. $2,500
Ghost Light Cafe’ Projected costs: $11,500
Lending library shelving and signage. $1,000
Cafe furniture, chairs and tables. $2,000
Construction and project Management. $2,500
Lending Library Projected Costs: $5,500
Total Projected Cost $17,000