Two fabulous songwriters playing in a listeners venue. Not to be missed!
Portland, Oregon’s Jeffrey Martin is a minister’s son who can build a house with his bare hands and holds a master’s degree in English. He worked his way through school as a carpenter, then, following graduation, spent four years teaching high school.
It was during that time that his career as a songwriter came into bloom. Struggling to strike a balance between his increasingly rigorous Northwest/West Coast touring and his efforts to get teenagers to love words as much as he did, Martin found himself in the tricky position of having to choose between his two passions.
Much to the delight of his fans, music won the day. Now, with three intensely lyric-driven albums under his belt, two of which were released on the Portland indie-label, Fluff & Gravy Records, Martin has developed a loyal and growing audience, both domestically and abroad. Prior to the halting effects that a global pandemic placed on his ability to do so, Martin kept a restless touring schedule.
Anna Tivel, raised in La Conner, comes from the vibrant music scene in Portland with 6 albums from her decade long career. Her most recent album, Outsiders, has found a place on many reviewers’ Best of 2022 Lists. Throughout her work, Tivel has emphasized storytelling and this album is no exception, building on the strength of her ability to observe and reflect with a clear-eyed empathy. Inspired by authors from Steinbeck to Morrison, Didion to Dubus, she imbues her songs with attentive detail and a dreamlike quality that leaves the ordinary feeling both palpable and poetic. Tivels characters are common but unforgettable, NPRs Ann Powers writes, Her images linger, and become populated with the energy of the real.
Tickets: Jeffrey Martin and Anna Tivel