“A Very Queer Ballet (not a love story)” is a groundbreaking contemporary story ballet that brings long overdue LGBTQ+ representation to the dance world. Frustrated with the heteronormativity and monotony in classical ballets, dance student Atlas Hovdesven began writing this tense and heartwarming story in 2022. With the help of an amazing team, including Stage Manager Sunny Holton, AVQB is making its stage debut this April. The story centers a young trans boy, River, exploring his identity with the support of fellow queer youth. Throughout the show, River struggles with dysphoria, depression, and the hardships of navigating relationships with his family and friends. The show is written, choreographed, directed, and performed by the youth dancers of Bellingham.
April 12th tickets: https://newprospecttheatre.thundertix.com/events/223403
April 13th tickets: https://newprospecttheatre.thundertix.com/events/223405