Theatre for the Community
New Possibilities New Prospects In A Familiar Space
We are a collection of artists that stepped in to save a beautiful theatrical space and insure that it remained a live performance venue. The arts and artists have faced some serious headwinds these last few years, we can truthfully say, unprecedented challenges. However, we believe that live theatre, art, storytelling, dance and music are inspiring, uplifting and essential parts of our community. The New Prospect Theatre team works to carry on a tradition of giving local performing artists a place to gather, to perform, to inspire audiences and one another, and the chance to change the world for the better, one opening night at a time.
Since launching on December 3rd, 2022, (Thank you Nathan Harris for the drone footage.) we have taken off at a breakneck speed. Already we have kept the promises of adding the Ethos West Stage in the lobby area (donated by Ethos West Construction), and built a floating dance floor over the once-cement stage floor. (Thank you to David and Nancy Huss for their donation, Dan Coffey for assistance with getting the materials, the building team – Onarach Builders, Ephraim and Samuel Kurszewski, Noble Smith, and Keefe Healy, and the Bellingham dance community for their support.) An important step for opening us up to dance and a wider range of performances. We have also updated the light and sound systems, adding new lighting positions, and state-of-the-art sound equipment.
We have truly become a community venue, hosting performances from local theatre companies, live bands, ongoing story hour groups, and open mics, as well as dance, cabaret, plays and musicals. Our lobby is also a home for local visual artists and participates in monthly art walks.
We continue to honor those who supported this venture from the beginning through their time, energy, and funds. We maintained the name of the theatre as the Lucas Hicks Auditorium and preserved the donor and dedication names on the seats.

Anyone Can Do A Show Here!
The New Prospect Theatre Fringe Model
Our doors are open to anyone who wants to put on a performance in whatever discipline that may be. Want to start a Theatre Company and do a show? Welcome. You want to put together a Dance Troupe, Musical, Puppet Show, Concert or just create something new? We welcome you. Like the original Fringe Festivals, we do not adjudicate the shows that come in and we do not curate a season, we use the same system as the best Fringe Venues to help artists who want to do shows. If an artist wants to use the space, they can fill out a form and either rent the space for a flat fee or they can work with our Programming Director on a split. If a company wants to do a split, they agree to split the box office with New Prospect 50/50 and keep their ticket price affordable. After all we are asking the audience to take a chance as well. This means a company can put its resources into creating the show rather than paying the upfront rental fee on the venue. It also means companies are able to take risks on new work without fear of ending up in debt if they don’t sell enough tickets if the show does really well both the Venue and the artists benefit, if the show doesn’t do as well the artists don’t walk away empty handed and we work to make it up on other shows. For this model to work we, like a good Fringe Venue need to be busy and diverse.

How Will My Membership or Donation Be Used?
Your membership helps us keep saying yes. So far, we have not had to turn down any company wanting a 50/50 split. Your Membership allows us to keep taking risks on artists so they can keep making new work. It also helps us to maintain and improve the venue and the equipment to help make the best possible experiences for the audience and the artists. Your membership does not go to pay any salaries, in fact at this time we do not have any salaried staff. The staff of New Prospect are all volunteers who are compensated in time in the Theatre to create their own shows.

Sprung Dance Floor Being Installed!
Thank you to David and Nancy Huss for their donation, Dan Coffey for assistance with getting the materials, the building team – Onarach Builders, Ephraim and Samuel Kurszewski, Noble Smith, Keefe Healy
and the Bellingham dance community for their support!
Our hearts are full and our feet and knees thank you!

It's Time to Light the Lights!
The lighting system in the Lucas Hicks Auditorium has been upgraded and rehung to industry standards by our Technical Director Keefe Healy.